The Game

FAQ on the Negro League.
Introduction --

When was the first league organized?
The first successful Negro League was formed in 1920 by Andrew Foster.

Was there more than one Negro League?
There were dozens of all black professional and semi professional baseball leagues played throughout the United States in
the 1st half of the 20th century

When was the first Negro World series played?
The first Negro World series was played in 1924 by Kansas City and the Hilldate Club.

Did Negro Leagues ever play against major league teams?
There were exhibition games between Negro League stars and Major League Stars. Throughout the years, games between Negro League
squads and Major Leaguers were very common and fairly evenly split.

Did any players From the Negro Leagues evener make it to the Majors?

Many Negro League players began their careers with Negro League teams. Hunk Aaron (Atlanta Braves), Willie Maybe (Brooklyn Dodgers), Morte Irvin (Chicago Clubs), Roy Campanella (Brooklyn Dodgers), Sam Jethrue (Pittsburgh Pirates), Joe Black (Brooklyn Dodgers).

When did the Negro League come to an end?

Sadly in the 1940's, after the integration of professional baseball all the star players got drafted and the Negro Leagues faded. - Josh Lowe

Black Athlete’s

    Tiger Woods, Michael Vick, Kobe Bryant, Donte Stallworth, Plaxico Burress, Ray Lewis, O.J. Simpson, Pac man Jones, Ray Caruth. The list goes on. You might think what do they all have in common? Of course they are all black athletes, but there is more to this story. All of these athletes have been successful in their careers, but all of them including several more black athletes have run into trouble. With some of these stories the media has made it 10x worse than it actually was. Black athletes are not the only athletes that get into trouble, but they get into trouble the most.

      These players I have listed have faced charges of murder, rape, manslaughter, and assault. All of these crimes are serious. Some of these athletes are in prison right now or were in prison. After these incidents these people are not viewed the same as they were at first by the public. The majority of the public do not express their own points of view. Whatever the people on television say the people will go along with it. That’s why the media picks who they want to be the good guy or the bad guy.

                Why would these rich and famous people be running into so much trouble? Maybe it’s their background. Where you come from plays a role in how you act. But that can’t be the only factor. The people that I have named are on that list because they’ve all made bad decisions and could have easily avoided being the bad guy in the eye of the public. Many people think that just because athletes are rich and famous they are different from regular people. Often when these people mess up the media doesn’t make it any better. They talk nonstop on the subject as if to make it worst. Many African American kids have dreams of making it big in sports, but is it worth all the trouble and stereotyping?
 -Dequavious Reynolds


Native American Mascots I

“This can either be honorable or ignorant,” said Philip J. Deloria, a Native American activist. Native Americans have been used as mascots in sports for decades. Note that these are the same people that we slaughtered, raped, diseased, burned, and so-on for this land we call the United States. We targeted the original meaning of Thanksgiving.  The definition we came up with is “a public celebration in acknowledgment of divine favor or kindness.”  In actuality, it was a celebration of the killing of a people. Acts such as these are inhuman and should be looked at for what they really are.  If crimes like the ones done to the Natives were committed nowadays the acts would be held to the same caliber as the holocaust, but instead it is covered up and celebrated as a holiday.  From middle schools up to major league sports, Native Americans are used for mascots. Chiefs, Redskins, and Braves generate anger, pride, and controversy. What if instead of Braves, the team was named Slaves.

So when you’re at home watching the Thanksgiving Day football game and the Chiefs are playing the Redskins just remember what you’re really celebrating.  

Ty Nesby

Native American Mascots II

This has been a talkative story for a while, not in just one sport but all professional and collegiate sports also. There has been one question that has not been answered. Where did the names of mascots come from? Mascot nick names started in the mid 1800’s .Their names and symbols were often used to represent teams of all sports. Here are some of the original names [Boston braves and the Washington redskins] they were said to be owned by a man named George Preston Marshall, who was notified as a racist. In Washington’s second season, during 1933 the nickname redskins arrived. By 2002 they found out that 75% of the Native Americans had no problem with the name they were given. So where does the story lead today? This still goes on.

Terrenicia Thomas

Native American sports

Native American sports have been around for a long time. Native Americans have had many of these sports and games. I only know of one sport to be a major league sport originating from Native Americans. Lacrosse is a sport not played like basketball, baseball, and football, but is played in the U.S.  Native Americans had other sports or games they played such as shinny [A kind of field hockey known as shinny was among the most popular Native American games. It was usually played by women, but sometimes, especially on the plains, might also be played by men. Among the Sauk, Foxes, and Assiniboine Indians, men and women played the game together, and among the Crows, teams of men played against teams of women. Native Americans in the East, on the plains, in the Southwest, and on the Pacific Coast played shinny. It was played with a ball or bag, often made of buckskin, which was hit with sticks curved at one end. The ball and sticks might be decorated with paint or beads. The length of the field varied from two hundred yards (among the Miwok Indians) to a mile or more (among the Navajos). The object of the game was to hit the ball through the opponent’s goal. The ball could be kicked or hit with the stick but not touched with the hands.] snow snake [In regions of the West cold enough to have snow and ice in the winter, snow-snake was played. Its rules varied even more than those of lacrosse or shinny, but in general the game involved sliding darts or poles along snow or ice as far as possible. The projectile could be only a few inches long or might be a javelin up to ten feet long. The game was usually, but not always, played by men. Among the Creeks, who played a variant of the game in which the dart had to pass through barriers of snow, only men played the game. Among the Arapahos, on the other hand, snow-snake might be played by adults or children but was most commonly played by girls.]  and hoop pole [Hoop and pole was another widespread game with varying rules. In general a hoop was rolled along the ground while men tried to knock it over with spears or arrows. The hoop was usually relatively small, from three inches to a foot in diameter. The hoop might be open, but often the players stretched cords or a net across it. The hoop itself was often of wood but might be made of corn husks, stone, or iron. It was sometimes decorated with paint or beads. The score was determined by the way the hoop fell when hit by the pole. The game was most frequently played by two men although in some cases more participated.] , but Lacrosse is the only one out of these that is a major league sport.

For more information about these Native American sports visit

Basketball at Tech High

Our new basketball coach Mr. Jones, has high expectations for this years basketball team. I did an interview with coach himself, to see just how high those expectations were.
        Mr. Jones plans to change the landscape of education by teaching life lessons through the game of basketball. He says first the team should be better academically. As for skills of the game, these will be accomplished by hard work, sweat, and time.
        Mr. Jones has been coaching for 2 years school wise, but 10 years in his community. ‘Basketball is his purpose in life, and he must fulfill his purpose,’ he says. Uniforms have not been seen yet, and he’s very frugal when it comes to spending.

NO male coach so no males on team!!!

At Tech high we have very few teams. Since this is the sports section I decided to do one of the sports that go unnoticed that we do have. In a recent interview I interviewed the cheerleading coach Mrs. Asante about the cheerleading team. The team is relatively small, but there are no male cheerleaders. I always wondered why. In my interview I had questions and she had answers. So why aren’t there any male cheerleaders on the cheerleading team?
       There are many reasons here are just a few. Mrs. Asante said no males tried out for the team. You would think there would be no reason for this article after hearing that but there is always what if. So what if a male made the team? We need a male coach as soon as possible. Mrs. Asante has no experience in teaching male cheerleaders. She is happy with the size of the team as it is, but come on a couple of men wouldn’t hurt.  
By: Dequavious Reynolds  9/20/10