

Dear Reader,

In these second postings for our school newspaper we reveal the truths of the Native American Reality, Then and Now.  As always, while writing this paper, we keep our model, "You World, Our Future", in our minds.  Information on where the First People are now, how they got there, and where they're going can be found in the various sections of our paper.  We hope our stories open your eyes to the truth about Native history, from the arrival of Columbus to the Trail of Tears.

                           The Editors


Dear Readers,

As we begin the newspaper for our school, we must always keep our goals in mind.  The Titan Times may consist of different contributors over time, but our model will go unchanged, “Your World, Our Future”.  Also our stories should focus around uncovering the truth in a world of lies.  Nowadays, the news media rarely looks for the truth in what they report to the masses.  The focus of reporters is on their personal appearance rather than the truth of the news they are giving to millions of viewers worldwide.  Our reporters should not include personal opinions.  If we begin to make assumptions, we'll just end up lying.  If we can just tell the facts, the truth will speak for itself.

With Regards,
                                    The Editors